Sunday, March 14, 2010

Top Of The Mornin' to all of you. When I was a little girl, my Grandma Ball would call us when we got home from school to see if we had worn green on St. Patty's day. I don't remember exactly how much my grandma really was Irish, but I do remember that my mom always tried to make St. Patty's Day a festive time and would set a special table for dinner on St. Pat's Day decorated with green napkins and she would color our mashed potatoes green and serve a green vegetable. Funny how those little things meant so much to me that they really stuck with me and I did those same things to my son as he was growing up.

So I thought I would share the cards I made this year to ring in the green. And I realized as I was lining them all up to take a picture, that I had made exactly 12 - that must mean something right - maybe I should go buy a Powerball ticket. Anyway, enjoy and hopefully one of them will inspire you to create a card of your own and send it out to someone who loves green. Besides, isn't everyone a little Irish on St. Patty's Day.

Make some time for yourself to play today.

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